In grateful response to God's grace and nourished by His Word and Sacrament, Saint Luke Catholic embraces the call of our Lord Jesus and His Church to share generously our spiritual and material resources.
We make a return to the Lord, with increase, through our stewardship and evangelization.
Dear Friends,
As pastor of Saint Luke Church, it's a privilege to welcome you to our parish web site. Technology today gives us this handy tool to learn more about our parish in a way that can be constantly updated.
Our parish actually has its roots back in 1948, when the Archdiocese of Indianapolis purchased land in Meridian Hills on which to build a new parish. Father Paul J. Courtney became our founding pastor. The official canonical establishment of the Parish of Saint Luke is considered September 2, 1961.
From 1961 until the present moment, the Saint Luke story is a story of the goodness of God's Providence through countless men and women who have made and continue to make Saint Luke Catholic Church and School what it is today: a faith-filled, vibrant, and faithful Catholic Community.
I welcome you to learn more about our parish. I encourage all of us to keep up with the latest through our parish web site. But the best way to keep current is through regular attendance at Mass with the worshipping community each weekend.
Our first parish structures were dedicated on October 22, 1961. In his opening letter for the Dedication Day Program in 1961, Father Courtney wrote: Gratitude to God, it seems to me, should be the predominant sentiment that we experience as we dedicate this first building of Saint Luke Parish. Fifty years later, our founding pastor is still on target. Thank God for our Saint Luke Parish Community: past and present. By God's grace, we will strive to be God's Family loving, serving, and witnessing to Him at the corner of 75th and Illinois for decades to come!
Faithfully in the Providence that so far has not failed us,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Schaedel
Faith, strengthened through a greater understanding of our Catholic heritage and deeper commitment to personal and communal prayer
Worship, especially through the full, conscious, and active participation of the faithful in the celebration of the Church's liturgy
Teaching, bringing the Gospel to life through our educational and faith formation ministries
Evangelization, which addresses those who seek the fullness of faith and those who have not yet heard the gospel
Stewardship, which is demonstrated by managing our resources - Time, Talent, and Treasure - in justice and love
Social Action, which embraces the social gospel of Jesus and includes works of charity and commitment to changing the cause of injustice
Fellowship, especially in enjoying one another's company in a spirit of solidarity
Saint Luke is a Catholic Community committed to transforming the world by proclaiming Christ and the teachings of His Church through these values.
Our History
The official canonical establishment of St. Luke by Archbishop Paul C. Schulte, occurred on September 2, 1961. For more information about about St. Luke's history and important dates, click here.
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