Councils and Committee

Volunteer Opportunities

Eucharistic Minister - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) distribute the Precious Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Ministers must be trained and meet sacramental requirements. EMHCs are commissioned for 3-year terms with the pastor's and Archbishop's approval.

Lector - Lectors' responsibilities are to present readings at Masses on Sundays, feast days and holidays.  Certain sacramental requirements apply.

Ministers Of Hospitality - The role of the usher/greeter is one of offering a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to worship, of providing leadership during emergencies, and performing such tasks as taking up the collection, presenting the gifts, assisting parishioners during Communion, disseminating the church bulletin and participating in cleaning the church after completion of the Mass.

Music Ministry - Provides Music for all church liturgies. Groups include Children's, Contemporary Ensemble, and Adult Choirs; St. Cecelia Funeral Choir; Cantors; Musicians/Instrumentalists and Handbells.

Sacristans - Sacristans undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including Holy Days. The sacristan places the Lectionary on the Ambo and petitions; lays out what is needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens; makes sure there is enough host and wine for the Mass.  The sacristan, in harmony with the pastor, also makes sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition.  Training is provided.

a)  Cleaning - Cleaning the church regularly, most especial  ly in preparation for special liturgies and celebrations.

b)  Linen Care - This ministry takes care of the washing and folding of the purificators, towels and other liturgical linens used during all Masses.

Altar Servers - The primary role is to assist the priest in the celebration of Mass through specific actions and active participation in the liturgy. Servers carry the cross, processional candle(s), the incense and censer; hold the book for the priest celebrant; present the bread, wine and water during the preparation of the gifts; and assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.  Requirements - Must have received confession and First Communion, and be in the 5th grade or older.  Training provided.

Stewardship Commission Committee - The Stewardship Commission is responsible for recommending policy and developing goals for the overall parish Stewardship program. The Commission has been given the responsibility of recommending and coordinating the solicitation calendar for the parish, including fund-raising.

Pro Life Committee - The St. Luke Pro-Life Committee believes and promotes the Church's constant teaching that all human life is a precious gift from God. We offer educational, pastoral care and advocacy programs that promote the value and dignity of every human life from conception until natural death.

St Vincent DePaul - The Saint Vincent de Paul Society provides aid to the poor and needy.  Volunteers make home visits in the St. Luke and St. Rita parish areas. They may also answer the help and donation pickup phone lines, and assist clients at the distribution center (furniture, appliances, clothing) and food pantry.  Meetings are the second and fourth Sundays at 10:45 AM.  Beggars for the Poor is a "special work" of  SVdP and provides  food, clothing and personal care items to the homeless.

Martha Ministries - This new ministry of lay persons, devoted to serve anyone that has lost a loved one, sets up guidelines for serving the bereaved and implements programs of support especially beyond the funeral. This ministry works cooperatively with the Good Samaritan Ministry in upholding families during this time of need.


Participation Opportunities

Adoration (modified hours for Covid) - The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00pm – 5:25pm and Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am – 5:25pm.  Adorers are scheduled to perpetually adore.  Visitors are also welcome at any time.  Scheduled adorers are asked to find a substitute if they cannot fulfill their commitment at any time.

MAMAS – A community of mothers of all ages aspiring to grow in their practice of the Catholic faith and lead their families to Jesus Christ through Mary.

Young Adults Group - Young adults, ages 18-35, meet once a month for an evening of fellowship, prayer, reflection and service with a mission to bring young adults together and to aid them in their journey with Jesus Christ, His Holy Catholic Church and their call to holiness.

Youth Ministry -  The Youth Ministry program offers opportunities for parishioner students in grades 7-12 to deepen their relationship with Christ and His Church, and exploring ways to live out His mission in their own lives.

Knights of Columbus - Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

Prayer Chain - Parish members who pray for those in need of prayer as requested.  Prayers may be offered as intentions in daily prayer, intentions in daily or weekly Mass, when praying the Rosary, in visiting the Adoration Chapel, in the offering of extra works of mercy, or any prayerful activity that individual members of the group desire.   We ask that the prayer request is kept in prayers for one week.

Small Group Opportunities

That Man is You - That Man is You! is an interactive, multimedia program focused upon the development of authentic male leadership. Over the course of three years, it successively considers men in their relationship to God, to their spouse and to their children. Program content harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive.

St Luke Men’s Morning Retreat (SLAMMERS) - This group of men gather weekly on Thursday mornings, 6:30-7:30 AM, to share devotional reading, reflection, fellowship, fun and prayer.

Sisters of Strength (SOS) - Ladies of all ages, are invited to join Diane Schafer every Monday at 6:30pm in the Fr. Courtney Parlor to prepare for the coming Mass by studying the scriptures.  If you would like to access the readings ahead of may do so by going to and click on readings of the day (select the Sunday date).


If you are interested in joining any of these groups, contact Therese Hartley at [email protected].

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