The Stewardship Commission develops our parish calendar for solicitation and major events.
To meet the established goals of the Stewardship Commission and to incorporate fund raising into our 2020-2021 budget process, please submit, by February 24, 2020, a request form for each potential solicitation (fund raising, material goods, etc.) for your ministry. Each ministry should remember to include a form for all activities in which we ask our parishioners for support, whether that be financial (collections for Scholarship Fund, for example) or concrete (canned food for food shelters).
(If you have other major parish events which may impact - or be impacted - by potential fundraising events, please let us know that via a regular email - no form is needed.)
The form can be completed electronically and sent to [email protected]. This email box will be reviewed by the person on the Stewardship Commission who has the responsibility to compile, review, and assist in the process of the Stewardship Commission to recommend our calendar for the upcoming year.
It is highly unlikely that Stewardship will later approve, except in case of emergency, events not approved as part of this process. The Stewardship Commission does not want to have their monthly meetings consumed with late solicitation efforts. And so we thank you in advance for being complete in your requests.
The Commission's role is to make recommendations regarding our solicitation to help our ministries and parishioners be active and participative in the ministry of the parish - while ensuring that there is enough time and volunteer "focus" to have the great number of events which we do at St. Luke.
Thank you in advance for your support of this effort. The Stewardship Commission will begin their approval process for our parish solicitation calendar at their March meeting, making a recommendation to the pastor. Timeliness is important as we collate this information for our Commissions' review.